

今日は!最近は私の初めての花見。前に、毎春アメリカに住んでいたけど、今年花見を見られました。Hello! Recently, I saw Hanami for the first time. Before now, I had spent every spring living in America, but now, I was able to see the cherry blossoms.

始めに、広島市の三滝に見に行った。目印は、滝が多いと思う。桜はちょっと少なかったけど、神社と竹の山は面白くてきれいでした。First, we went to Mitaki in Hiroshima City. The thing Mitaki is famous for is lots of waterfalls. There weren’t very many cherry blossoms, but the bamboo mountain and shrine were very pretty.


後で、広島市の中央公園に行った。込んでいたけど、楽しかった。After that, we went to Hiroshima Chuou Park. It was very crowded, but pleasant.


次の日に、岩国の錦帯橋の旅を取ったね。びっくりした!前に、そのような大きい桜の数を見たことがなっかた。錦帯橋も素晴らしかったと思った。The next day, we took a trip to Iwakuni’s Kintaikyou Bridge. I was surprised! Before then, I had never seen such a large number of cherry blossoms. I thought it was wonderful.


来年も、花見に行きたい。一緒に花見をしましょうか?I want to see Hanami next year, too. Let’s see Hanami together!

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