Hello! 今日のブログはエミリ先生ですね。
Hello! Today’s blog is by Emilie-sensei.
今週の金曜日に、私のSuperKids 1クラスは教科書を押し舞って、テストに素敵な成績を取りました。始まりから、教科書の終わりまでたくさんの新しい単語を習って、便利な日常文法の使いを上手なった。たとえば、“How many books do you have?”「本は何冊ありますか。」
On Friday, my SuperKids 1 class finished their textbook and got great grades on their end-of-book test. From the start of SK1 to the end, they learned many new words, and lots of useful everyday grammar, like “How many books do you have?”
そして、クラスのパーティを一緒に楽しんだ。クラスの皆はうまいスナックを持って来て、習いゲームを遊んだ。「Chutes and Ladders]をした。「Chutes and Ladders」はアメリカからの子供ボードゲーム。目的は、100のゴールまで動きながら、梯子(英語でLadder)を上って、スライド(えいごでChute)に下らない。遊びながら、英語の数と”Here you are”、”Thank you”、”Your turn!”、と”Please pass the…”を復習した。
So, we had a class party together. Everyone brought yummy snacks, and we played a game, “Chutes and Ladders”. It’s an American children’s game. The object is to get to the goal at 100, while climbing ladders and avoiding going down slides. While playing, we practice English like “Here you are”, “Thank you”, “Your turn”, and “Please pass the…”.
We took some photos.
While playing, the students felt a lot of energy and excitement!\
Oh no! Takuya went down the slide!
Misaki won the game. Congrats! And to everyone in this class, congratulations on doing great on your test!